Media Players / Devices

I have previously posted blogs stating that it is possible to install the Mede8er firmware on the an AC Ryan (

Now it’s time to step up – customise your video wall (I know, I know…there is already so much out there regarding the media players, and video walls…not another one). Well, mine is different (I hope), and I am also writing this for friends whom have recently purchased media players – resending the same emails over and over can be annoying.

Let me start off by apologising for the poor quality of the pictures – I was too lazy to get out my camera (will publish nicer pics later) at 3 in the morning to do this.

The Mede8er Video Wall Pictures are plain…crap (pardon my French). Next step was to just create my own (thanx Mike), as opposed to scouring the net for pics that would give me the same template.

If you have any feedback, comments, or even suggestions, please feel free to drop me a word.

Pics of my video wall on my AC Ryan using the Mede8er Firmware.(

I have also posted the Icons ( that I made – not as snazzy as some, but when I get more time I will be updating. If anyone does have cool icons, please share.

  1. Jos says:

    Hey Lucien,

    I can’t seem to access your address:
    So I cannot see your icons… You really made me curious because mede8er’s icons are not so great….

    Hope to hear from u!

    Regards from the Netherlands!

    • Lucien says:


      Hey Jos,

      My apologies….somehow links got messed up. I have updated the links and should be fine now. Icons were created using irfanview….

      Regards from South Africa


  2. Wibo says:

    Hi, after the flash memory in my dune smart d1 died.. I bought a second hand ac Ryan playon!hd.
    Firmware is just okay, even the lastest version. Can you help me with a version to get faster response from input?

    Thx a million in advance.

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